Children's Express
114 South Main Street, Attleboro
Early Head Start Partner
Hours: 7:30am to 4:30pm
Infant * Toddler * Pre-k
Part-time and Full-time Options
- Caring for children in Attleboro for 19 years since 2002
- $25 Annual Registration Fee
- Nut-Free Center, 20 years experience with children and food allergies
- Licensed by Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care
- An Early Head Start Partner
Children’s Express at the
Carolyn Lynch Children’s Center
90 Cushing Ave, Boston
Boston Pre-K Partner
Hours: 7:30am to 4:30pm
Infant * Toddler * Pre-k
Part-time and Full-time Options
- Caring for area children since 2002
- Licensed by Massachusetts Department
of Early Education and Care
- An Early Head Start Community Partner
- Licensed by Massachusetts Department
of Early Education and Care
- A Boston Public Schools UPK Partner
Children’s Express Child Care, Inc.